Visual Complexity

This series of beautiful images are included in the book and website of Manuel Lima. which explores and studies the mapping of complex networks.

1. The Geotaggers’ World Atlas:

This image of San Francisco is part of a large collection of fifty city maps tracing geotagged photos from Flickr and Picasa. Eric Fischer determined the speed at which photographers travelled the various urban landscapes by analyzing their photos’ timestamps and geotags, and plotting them on an OpenStreetMap background layer. 


2. Writing Without Words, by Stephanie Posavec is a series of striking visualizations exploring the differences in writing style between authors of various modern classics. The images shown here are a visualization of Part One from the book On the Road by Jack Kerouac. In this piece, entitled Literary Organism, each literary component was divided hierarchically into even smaller parts – Part, Chapters, Paragraphs, Sentences, and ultimately Words, the smallest branch in the diagram. Stephanie also created different colors to distinguish the eleven thematic categories she created for the entirety of On the Road. Some categories include: Social Events & Interaction, Travel, Work & Survival, and Character Sketches, among others.

3.Gnom – Oracle Interface


The goal of the GNOM project is to develop a series of digital interfaces for the exploration of genetic networks. The first stage of the project explores the genetic interaction network in the bacteria Escherichia Coli.

The graph shown represents the first tryout of the Oracle interface: A circular interface of high control level over the node selection, where the entire network of relations can be visualised.

4. Map of Scientific Collaborations

Using data from Science-Metrix, a bibliometric consulting firm that licenses data from journal aggregators like Elsevier?s Scopus and Thomson Reuter?s Web of Science, Olivier Beauchesne build an intricate map of scientific collaborations between cities all over the world, between 2005 and 2009.



When I started looking through a microscope at cross sections of skin I was drawn into this subterranian landscape of layers and details. Subsequenty looking at the countryside I was aware of the strata running below and the repitition of similar patterns on a larger scale.


The paintings shown were carried out in Montmiral in southern France
