Self Portrait in Spacetime

Brian Greene in his book Fabric of the Cosmos argues Spacetime can be understood as resembling a loaf of bread. Like the loaf it can be cut into slices at different angles and different observers moving relative to each other will slice the spacetime loaf at slightly different angles and thus will have different conceptions of what happens at a given moment.

This reminded me of a project I had created some years back in which a volume of space time was created by compressing the 3 dimensions of space into 2, and depicting  time  in the 3rd (Z) dimension, using the type of technology used in medical imaging e.g. CT and MRI scans.


To do this I was filmed against a bluescreen background which was then keyed out. The individual frames were then layered as shown schematically in top figure. In actuality this was done using the Present 3D application of openscegraph ( The sculpture was more than a surface and possessed an interior structure as can be seen in figure 4. It could also, potentially, be sliced at different angles with some help in programming. My own minute section of spacetime – or perhaps a currant in the entire spacetime loaf.


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